Empowering Insights Episode 2: The MTP Story [All about BK]
If you guys have been following along with our FB lives, you will have noticed that our story about BK got a little patchy. He had planned to touch on what got him started in the healthcare industry in the first place and why he is so passionate about what we do at MTP.
So instead of wallowing in sorrow, he decided to do a little audio recording to touch on the second half of today’s livecast. He goes into his deeper purpose behind wanting to get into healthcare and hopefully share some useful insights for our community. At worst case, you get to know a little bit about BK and what makes him tick 🙂


Episode notes:
  • Why his life vision is about maximising human potential
  • BK’s journey into healthcare and transforming lives (through his own personal transformations)
  • The most rewarding thing BK does
  • What BK believes encompasses true ‘health’
  • A bit about the health benefits of Wisdom and his personal project ‘Sapience’
  • What an ancient Cherokee can teach us about lasting happiness and purpose in life
  • The difference to healthcare as a whole that MTP is trying to make
  • Why BK believes a win in one area of our lives is a win in all areas
  • The most exciting thing we can all get from being a part of this community
  • & plenty more✌️
Hope you guys enjoy it. Please let us know what you thought/leave any comments below ?

How To Live A Good Life: The Tale of the Two Wolves